This module contains the classes for representing aleatoric description
logic (ADL) sentences, and the maths for their evaluation.
from typing import Final, cast, Optional, Union, Tuple, NewType, TypeVar, Iterable, Callable
import numpy as np
from tyche.probability import uncertain_bayes_rule, random_probability
from tyche.references import BakedSymbolReference, SymbolReference
[docs]class TycheLanguageException(Exception):
An exception type that is thrown when errors occur in
the construction or use of the ADL language constructs.
def __init__(self, message: str):
message: A description of the error.
self.message = "TycheLanguageException: " + message
RoleDistributionEntries: type = Union[
list[Union['TycheContext', Tuple['TycheContext', float]]],
dict['TycheContext', float]
[docs]class RoleDist:
A probability distribution of related contexts.
[docs] def is_empty(self) -> bool:
Returns whether no individuals (including None) have been added to this role.
If None was explicitly added, then this will return False.
raise NotImplementedError(f"is_empty is not implemented for {type(self).__name__}")
[docs] def clear(self):
Removes all individuals from this distribution.
raise NotImplementedError(f"clear is not implemented for {type(self).__name__}")
[docs] def contains(self, individual: Optional['TycheContext']):
Returns whether this role distribution contains the given individual.
raise NotImplementedError(f"contains is not implemented for {type(self).__name__}")
[docs] def contexts(self):
Yields all the contexts within this role, including
the None-individual if it is present.
raise NotImplementedError(f"contexts is not implemented for {type(self).__name__}")
[docs] def calculate_expectation(self, node: 'ADLNode', given: 'ADLNode') -> float:
Evaluates an expectation over this role. This evaluation contains an
implicit given that the role has at least one related individual. If the
role contains no non-null entries, then this will evaluate to vacuously True.
raise NotImplementedError(f"calculate_expectation_operator is not implemented for {type(self).__name__}")
[docs] def reverse_expectation_learning_params(
self, node: 'ADLNode', given: 'ADLNode', likelihood: float = 1
) -> list[tuple['TycheContext', float, float]]:
Calculates the influence and learning rate of each related individual in this role
for the truth of an expectation with the given parameters. The likelihood gives the
chance that the observation was true (i.e., a likelihood of 0 represents that the
observation of this expectation was false).
Returns a tuple of each related context that could have been selected, its likelihood,
and its influence.
raise NotImplementedError(f"calculate_reverse_expectation_influence")
[docs] def calculate_exists(self):
Evaluates the likelihood that this role has at least one related individual.
The null individual is considered to represent "no relation".
raise NotImplementedError(f"calculate_exists_operator is not implemented for {type(self).__name__}")
def __len__(self):
Returns the number of related individuals in this role
(including the None-individual, if present).
raise NotImplementedError(f"__len__ is not implemented for {type(self).__name__}")
def __iter__(self):
Yields tuples of TycheContext objects or None, and their associated
probabilities (i.e. Tuple[Optional[TycheContext], float]).
raise NotImplementedError(f"__iter__ is not implemented for {type(self).__name__}")
[docs] def to_str(self, *, detail_lvl: int = 1, indent_lvl: int = 0):
Returns a text representation of the contents of this role distribution.
raise NotImplementedError(f"to_str is not implemented for {type(self).__name__}")
[docs]class ExclusiveRoleDist(RoleDist):
A probability distribution of contexts for a role, where either
zero or one related contexts are related when the role is observed.
The zero in this case refers to the possibility of selecting the
None-individual. However, exactly one individual is always selected
if you include the None-individual. The items in the probability
distribution use weights to represent their relative likelihood of
being selected.
def __init__(self, entries: RoleDistributionEntries = None):
self._entries: list[tuple[Optional['TycheContext'], float]] = []
if entries is not None:
if isinstance(entries, list):
for entry in entries:
if isinstance(entry, TycheContext):
if isinstance(entry, tuple):
ctx, weight = entry
if (isinstance(ctx, TycheContext) or ctx is None) and isinstance(weight, (bool, int, float)):
self.add(ctx, weight)
raise TycheLanguageException(f"Illegal entry in entries list: {entry}")
elif isinstance(entries, dict):
for ctx, weight in entries.items():
if not isinstance(ctx, TycheContext) or not isinstance(weight, float):
raise TycheLanguageException(f"Illegal entry in entries dict: {(ctx, weight)}")
self.add(ctx, weight)
raise TycheLanguageException(f"Illegal entries value: {entries}")
[docs] def is_empty(self) -> bool:
return len(self._entries) == 0
def total_weight(self):
The sum of the weights of all entries in this role distribution.
total = 0
for _, weight in self._entries:
total += weight
return total
[docs] def clear(self):
self._entries = []
def _index_of(self, individual: Optional['TycheContext']):
for index, (ctx, _) in enumerate(self._entries):
if ctx is individual:
return index
return None
[docs] def contains(self, individual: Optional['TycheContext']):
return self._index_of(individual) is not None
[docs] def add(self, individual: Optional['TycheContext'], weight: float = 1):
Add an individual to this distribution with the given weighting.
The weightings of individuals are relative to one another. If
an individual already exists in the distribution, then its
weighting will be _replaced_.
If no weight is supplied, then the default of 1 will be used.
if weight <= 0:
raise TycheLanguageException("Value weights must be positive, not {}".format(weight))
entry = (individual, weight)
existing_index = self._index_of(individual)
if existing_index is not None:
self._entries[existing_index] = entry
[docs] def add_combining_weights(self, individual: Optional['TycheContext'], weight: float):
Add an individual to this distribution. If the individual already
exists in this role, then the given weight will be added to their
existing weight. Otherwise, the given weight will be used as the
weight of the individual.
if weight <= 0:
raise TycheLanguageException("Value weights must be positive, not {}".format(weight))
existing_index = self._index_of(individual)
if existing_index is not None:
_, existing_weight = self._entries[existing_index]
self._entries[existing_index] = (individual, existing_weight + weight)
self._entries.append((individual, weight))
[docs] def remove(self, individual: Optional['TycheContext']):
""" Removes the given individual from this distribution. """
existing_index = self._index_of(individual)
if existing_index is None:
del self._entries[existing_index]
[docs] def contexts(self):
for ctx, _ in self._entries:
yield ctx
[docs] def apply_bayes_rule(
self, observation: 'ADLNode', likelihood: float = 1, learning_rate: float = 1) -> 'ExclusiveRoleDist':
Applies Bayes' rule to update the probabilities of the individuals
mapped within this role based upon an uncertain observation. This
cannot learn anything about the None individual. Returns an updated
role distribution.
The likelihood works by applying bayes rule to the event that the observation occurred
or was incorrectly observed ((event with likelihood) OR (NOT event with 1 - likelihood)).
Therefore, a likelihood of 0 represents that the observation was observed to be false
(this is equivalent to observing NOT observation).
See: https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/345200/applying-bayess-theorem-when-evidence-is-uncertain
The learning_rate works by acting as a weight for the result of Bayes' rule, and the
original weight. A learning_rate of 1 represents to just use the result of Bayes' rule.
A learning_rate of 0 represents that the weight of each individual in the role should
remain unchanged.
if likelihood < 0 or likelihood > 1:
raise TycheLanguageException(
f"The likelihood should fall between 0 and 1 inclusive. It was {likelihood}")
if learning_rate < 0 or learning_rate > 1:
raise TycheLanguageException(
f"The learning_rate should fall between 0 and 1 inclusive. It was {learning_rate}")
# If the learning rate is 0, then nothing will be learned.
if learning_rate == 0:
return self
# If there are no entries, then we can't learn anything.
if self.total_weight == 0:
return self
role_belief: float = self.calculate_expectation(observation, ALWAYS)
learned_entries: list[tuple[Optional['TycheContext'], float]] = []
total_weight = self.total_weight
for context, weight in self._entries:
if context is None:
# Can't learn the null-individual
learned_entries.append((context, weight))
belief = context.eval(observation)
curr_prob = weight / total_weight
new_prob = uncertain_bayes_rule(curr_prob, role_belief, belief, likelihood)
new_weight = new_prob * total_weight
learned_weight = learning_rate * new_weight + (1 - learning_rate) * weight
if learned_weight > 0:
learned_entries.append((context, learned_weight))
return ExclusiveRoleDist(learned_entries)
[docs] def calculate_expectation(self, node: 'ADLNode', given: 'ADLNode') -> float:
node, given = Given.maybe_unpack(node, given)
total_prob = 0.0
total_given_prob = 0.0
node_and_given = node & given
for other_context, prob in self:
if other_context is None:
given_prob = other_context.eval(given)
if given_prob <= 0:
true_prob = other_context.eval(node_and_given)
total_prob += prob * true_prob
total_given_prob += prob * given_prob
# Vacuously True if only None in role, or if all givens evaluated to never.
if total_given_prob == 0:
return 1
# Division for the implicit given non-None.
return total_prob / total_given_prob
[docs] def reverse_expectation_learning_params(
self, node: 'ADLNode', given: 'ADLNode', likelihood: float = 1
) -> list[tuple['TycheContext', float, float]]:
weighted_entries: list[tuple[TycheContext, float]] = []
total_given_prob = 0.0
for other_context, prob in self:
if other_context is None:
given_prob = other_context.eval(given)
if given_prob <= 0:
node_prob = other_context.eval(node)
matches_observation_prob = likelihood * node_prob + (1 - likelihood) * (1 - node_prob)
chosen_prob = prob * given_prob
total_given_prob += chosen_prob
weight = chosen_prob * matches_observation_prob
if weight > 0:
weighted_entries.append((other_context, weight))
# If no entries could have possibly matched, then the expectation would have been vacuously true.
if total_given_prob == 0:
return []
if len(weighted_entries) == 0:
raise TycheLanguageException("The observation is impossible under this model")
# Scale the related contexts based upon their weight.
total_weight = 0
for _, weight in weighted_entries:
total_weight += weight
entries: list[tuple[TycheContext, float, float]] = []
for ctx, weight in weighted_entries:
prob = weight / total_weight
# Likelihood shouldn't change for a mutually exclusive role.
entries.append((ctx, likelihood, prob))
return entries
[docs] def calculate_exists(self):
exists_weight = 0
for other_context, prob in self:
if other_context is None:
return 1.0 - prob
exists_weight += prob
# Vacuous False if no entries in role.
if exists_weight == 0:
return 0.0
# Otherwise, there was no None entry in this role, so it always exists.
return 1.0
def __len__(self):
return max(1, len(self._entries))
def __iter__(self):
Yields tuples of TycheContext objects or None, and their associated
probabilities (i.e. Tuple[Optional[TycheContext], float]).
The sum of all returned probabilities should sum to 1,
although there may be some deviance from this due to
floating point error.
total_weight = self.total_weight
if total_weight == 0:
# If there are no entries, then yield the None entry with probability 1.
yield None, 1
for context, weight in self._entries:
yield context, weight / total_weight
[docs] def sample(self, rng: np.random.Generator) -> Optional['TycheContext']:
Selects a random individual from this role based upon their weights.
target_cumulative_weight = rng.uniform(0, self.total_weight)
cumulative_weight = 0
for context, weight in self._entries:
cumulative_weight += weight
if cumulative_weight >= target_cumulative_weight:
return context
return None
def __str__(self):
return self.to_str()
[docs] def to_str(self, *, detail_lvl: int = 1, indent_lvl: int = 0):
if self.is_empty():
return f"{{<empty {type(self).__name__}>}}"
sub_detail_lvl = detail_lvl - 1
sub_indent_lvl = 0 if indent_lvl == 0 else indent_lvl + 1
def format_prob(prob: float):
return f"{100 * prob:.1f}%"
def format_ctx(ctx: Optional['TycheContext']):
if ctx is None:
return "<None context>"
return ctx.to_str(detail_lvl=sub_detail_lvl, indent_lvl=sub_indent_lvl)
key_values = [(prob, ctx) for ctx, prob in self]
return _format_dict(
key_values, key_format_fn=format_prob, val_format_fn=format_ctx, indent_lvl=indent_lvl,
[docs]class IndependentRoleDist(RoleDist):
A probability distribution of contexts for a role, where each
relation to the contexts is independent. That is, zero, one,
or many contexts may be related when the role is observed.
Each relation has an independent probability of existing when
sampled. IndependentRoleDist cannot contain the None-individual.
def __init__(self, entries: RoleDistributionEntries = None):
self._entries: list[tuple['TycheContext', float]] = []
if entries is not None:
if isinstance(entries, list):
for entry in entries:
if isinstance(entry, TycheContext):
if isinstance(entry, tuple):
ctx, prob = entry
if isinstance(ctx, TycheContext) and isinstance(prob, (bool, int, float)):
self.add(ctx, prob)
raise TycheLanguageException(f"Illegal entry in entries list: {entry}")
elif isinstance(entries, dict):
for ctx, prob in entries.items():
if not isinstance(ctx, TycheContext) or not isinstance(prob, float):
raise TycheLanguageException(f"Illegal entry in entries dict: {(ctx, prob)}")
self.add(ctx, prob)
raise TycheLanguageException(f"Illegal entries value: {entries}")
[docs] def is_empty(self) -> bool:
return len(self._entries) == 0
[docs] def clear(self):
self._entries = []
def _index_of(self, individual: Optional['TycheContext']):
for index, (ctx, _) in enumerate(self._entries):
if ctx is individual:
return index
return None
[docs] def contains(self, individual: Optional['TycheContext']):
return self._index_of(individual) is not None
[docs] def add(self, individual: 'TycheContext', prob: float = 1):
Add an individual to this distribution with the given probability.
The probability must fall within the range [0, 1].
if individual is None:
raise TycheLanguageException(f"{type(self).__name__} does not support the None-individual")
if prob < 0 or prob > 1:
raise TycheLanguageException(f"Probability must fall within the range [0, 1]. Invalid probability: {prob}")
entry = (individual, prob)
existing_index = self._index_of(individual)
if existing_index is not None:
self._entries[existing_index] = entry
[docs] def remove(self, individual: 'TycheContext'):
Removes the given individual from this distribution.
existing_index = self._index_of(individual)
if existing_index is None:
del self._entries[existing_index]
[docs] def contexts(self):
for ctx, _ in self._entries:
yield ctx
[docs] def calculate_expectation(self, node: 'ADLNode', given: 'ADLNode') -> float:
node, given = Given.maybe_unpack(node, given)
# Expectations over independent roles just act as a big OR.
not_prob = 1
not_given_prob = 1
node_and_given = node & given
for other_context, selected_prob in self:
if other_context is None or selected_prob <= 0:
given_prob = other_context.eval(given)
if given_prob <= 0:
true_prob = other_context.eval(node_and_given)
not_prob *= 1 - selected_prob * true_prob
not_given_prob *= 1 - selected_prob * given_prob
# Vacuously true if no matched relations.
if 1 - not_given_prob <= 0:
return 1
return (1 - not_prob) / (1 - not_given_prob)
[docs] def reverse_expectation_learning_params(
self, node: 'ADLNode', given: 'ADLNode', likelihood: float = 1
) -> list[tuple['TycheContext', float, float]]:
node, given = Given.maybe_unpack(node, given)
node_and_given = node & given
# Calculate the probabilities required for all related individuals.
related_probs: list[tuple[TycheContext, float, float]] = []
for child_ctx, selected_prob in self:
if child_ctx is None or selected_prob <= 0:
given_prob = child_ctx.eval(given)
if given_prob <= 0:
true_prob = child_ctx.eval(node_and_given)
selected_prob = 1 * given_prob * selected_prob
child_ctx, true_prob, selected_prob
# Calculate the overall probability of the expectation.
obs_not_prob = 1
obs_not_given_prob = 1
for child_ctx, true_prob, selected_prob in related_probs:
obs_not_prob *= 1 - true_prob * selected_prob
obs_not_given_prob *= 1 - selected_prob
obs_given_prob = 1 - obs_not_given_prob
observation_prob = ((1 - obs_not_prob) / obs_given_prob if obs_given_prob > 0 else 1)
obs_matches_expected_prob = likelihood * observation_prob + (1 - likelihood) * (1 - observation_prob)
if obs_matches_expected_prob <= 0:
raise TycheLanguageException(f"The observation is impossible under this model")
# Calculate the influence of each related individual!
entries: list[tuple[TycheContext, float, float]] = []
for child_ctx, child_true_prob, _ in related_probs:
# Calculate P(obs|child) and P(obs|NOT child)
given_child_not_prob = 1
given_not_child_not_prob = 1
child_not_given_prob = 1
for ctx, true_prob, selected_prob in related_probs:
if ctx == child_ctx:
given_child_not_prob *= 1 - selected_prob
given_child_not_prob *= 1 - true_prob * selected_prob
given_not_child_not_prob *= 1 - true_prob * selected_prob
child_not_given_prob *= 1 - selected_prob
child_given_prob = 1 - child_not_given_prob
obs_given_child_prob = (
(1 - given_child_not_prob) / child_given_prob if child_given_prob > 0 else 1)
obs_given_not_child_prob = (
(1 - given_not_child_not_prob) / child_given_prob if child_given_prob > 0 else 1)
child_likelihood = uncertain_bayes_rule(
child_true_prob, observation_prob, obs_given_child_prob, likelihood)
# Corresponds to the learning_rate parameter.
child_influence = abs(obs_given_child_prob - obs_given_not_child_prob)
entries.append((child_ctx, child_likelihood, child_influence))
return entries
[docs] def calculate_exists(self):
# Calculate the chance that we select none of the individuals.
none_selected_prob = 1
for other_context, prob in self:
none_selected_prob *= 1 - prob
return 1 - none_selected_prob
def __len__(self):
return len(self._entries)
def __iter__(self):
Yields tuples of TycheContext objects, and their associated
probabilities (i.e. Tuple[TycheContext, float]).
for context, prob in self._entries:
yield context, prob
[docs] def sample(self, rng: np.random.Generator) -> list['TycheContext']:
Selects a random set of related individuals based upon their probabilities.
result = []
for context, prob in self._entries:
if random_probability(rng) < prob:
return result
def __str__(self):
return self.to_str()
[docs] def to_str(self, *, detail_lvl: int = 1, indent_lvl: int = 0):
if self.is_empty():
return f"{{<empty {type(self).__name__}>}}"
sub_detail_lvl = detail_lvl - 1
sub_indent_lvl = 0 if indent_lvl == 0 else indent_lvl + 1
def format_prob(prob: float):
return f"{100 * prob:.1f}%"
def format_ctx(ctx: 'TycheContext'):
return ctx.to_str(detail_lvl=sub_detail_lvl, indent_lvl=sub_indent_lvl)
key_values = [(prob, ctx) for ctx, prob in self]
return _format_dict(
key_values, key_format_fn=format_prob, val_format_fn=format_ctx, indent_lvl=indent_lvl,
KEY = TypeVar("KEY")
VAL = TypeVar("VAL")
def _format_dict(
dict_value: Union[dict[KEY, VAL], Iterable[tuple[KEY, VAL]]],
key_format_fn: Callable[[KEY], str] = str,
val_format_fn: Callable[[VAL], str] = str,
indent_lvl: int = 0,
indent_str: str = "\t",
prefix: str = "{",
suffix: str = "}"
) -> str:
Formats a dictionary into a string, allowing custom key and value
string formatting, indentation, and prefix/suffix modification.
if isinstance(dict_value, dict):
dict_value = dict_value.items()
key_values = [f"{key_format_fn(key)}: {val_format_fn(val)}" for key, val in dict_value]
if indent_lvl > 0:
indentation = indent_str * indent_lvl
sub_indentation = indent_str * (indent_lvl - 1)
join_by = f",\n{indentation}"
prefix = f"{prefix}\n{indentation}"
suffix = f"\n{sub_indentation}{suffix}"
join_by = ", "
return f"{prefix}{join_by.join(key_values)}{suffix}"
# This is used to allow passing names (e.g. "x", "y", etc...) directly
# to functions that require a concept or role. These names will then
# automatically be converted to an Atom or Role object.
CompatibleWithADLNode: type = NewType("CompatibleWithADLNode", Union['ADLNode', str])
CompatibleWithRole: type = NewType("CompatibleWithRole", Union['Role', str])
[docs]class TycheContext:
Provides context for relating variables in formulas
(e.g. a, b, c, etc...) to their related objects.
Each individual may supply their own context for
their variables and roles.
[docs] def eval(self, concept: 'CompatibleWithADLNode') -> float:
Evaluates the given concept to a probability of
it being true if sampled within this context.
raise NotImplementedError("eval is unimplemented for " + type(self).__name__)
[docs] def eval_role(self, role: 'CompatibleWithRole') -> RoleDist:
Evaluates the given role to a distribution of possible
other contexts if it were sampled within this context.
raise NotImplementedError("eval_role is unimplemented for " + type(self).__name__)
[docs] def observe(self, observation: 'ADLNode', likelihood: float = 1, learning_rate: float = 1):
Attempts to update the beliefs of this individual based upon
an observation of the given concept.
The optional likelihood parameter provides a degree of certainty
about the observation. By default, the observation is assumed to
be reliable.
raise NotImplementedError("observe is unimplemented for " + type(self).__name__)
[docs] def get_concept(self, symbol: str) -> float:
Gets the probability of the atom with the given symbol
being true, without modification by the context.
raise NotImplementedError("get_concept is unimplemented for " + type(self).__name__)
[docs] def get_role(self, symbol: str) -> RoleDist:
Gets the role distribution of the role with the
given symbol, without modification by the context.
raise NotImplementedError("get_role is unimplemented for " + type(self).__name__)
[docs] def get_concept_reference(self, symbol: str) -> BakedSymbolReference[float]:
Gets a mutable reference to the probability of the atom with the given symbol
being true. This reference can be used to get and set the value of the atom.
raise NotImplementedError("get_concept_reference is unimplemented for " + type(self).__name__)
[docs] def get_role_reference(self, symbol: str) -> BakedSymbolReference[RoleDist]:
Gets a mutable reference to the role distribution of the role with the
given symbol. This reference can be used to get and set the value of the role.
raise NotImplementedError("get_role_reference is unimplemented for " + type(self).__name__)
def __str__(self):
return self.to_str()
[docs] def to_str(self, *, detail_lvl: int = 1, indent_lvl: int = 0):
A version of str() that allows additional formatting options to be specified.
Allows specifying the number of levels of detail to include, and the
indentation to use while formatting.
raise NotImplementedError("to_str is unimplemented for " + type(self).__name__)
[docs]class EmptyContext(TycheContext):
Provides an empty context for evaluating constant expressions.
[docs] def eval(self, concept: 'ADLNode') -> float:
return concept.direct_eval(self)
[docs] def eval_role(self, role: 'Role') -> RoleDist:
return role.direct_eval(self)
[docs] def get_concept(self, symbol: str) -> float:
raise TycheLanguageException("Unknown atom {}".format(symbol))
[docs] def get_role(self, symbol: str) -> RoleDist:
raise TycheLanguageException("Unknown role {}".format(symbol))
[docs] def get_concept_reference(self, symbol: str) -> float:
raise TycheLanguageException("Unknown atom {}".format(symbol))
[docs] def get_role_reference(self, symbol: str) -> RoleDist:
raise TycheLanguageException("Unknown role {}".format(symbol))
[docs] def to_str(self, *, detail_lvl: int = 1, indent_lvl: int = 0):
return f"<EmptyContext>"
[docs]class ADLNode:
The base class of all nodes in aleatoric description logic formulas.
[docs] @staticmethod
def cast(node: CompatibleWithADLNode) -> 'ADLNode':
This provides the canonicalization of several supported ADL representations
into ADLNode objects. For example, strings are automatically considered to
represent concepts, and as such they may be converted into concept nodes
automatically by this function.
if isinstance(node, ADLNode):
return node
elif isinstance(node, str):
return Concept(node)
raise TycheLanguageException("Incompatible node type {}".format(type(node).__name__))
[docs] def get_child_nodes_in_eval_context(self) -> list['ADLNode']:
Returns an ordered list of the child nodes of this node that would be
evaluated in the same context as this node is evaluated. Nodes that
are evaluated in related contexts should not be returned here.
raise NotImplementedError("get_children_in_eval_context is unimplemented for " + type(self).__name__)
[docs] def copy_with_new_child_node_from_eval_context(self, index: int, node: 'ADLNode'):
Returns a copy of this node with the child node at the given index in
the list returned by get_children_in_eval_context replaced with the given
raise NotImplementedError("copy_with_replaced_child_from_eval_context is unimplemented for " + type(self).__name__)
def __str__(self) -> str:
gives a compact string representation of the structure of the formula
in terms of primitive operators
raise NotImplementedError("__str__ is unimplemented for " + type(self).__name__)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
gives the constructor string of the object
raise NotImplementedError("__repr__ is unimplemented for " + type(self).__name__)
# maybe also include a function for giving an optimised inline string representation of a formula.
def __eq__(self, other: 'ADLNode') -> bool:
return true if formulas are identical
raise NotImplementedError("__eq__ is unimplemented for " + type(self).__name__)
def __lt__(self, other: 'ADLNode') -> bool:
establishes a syntactic ordering over formula
raise NotImplementedError("__lt__ is unimplemented for " + type(self).__name__)
[docs] def direct_eval(self, context: TycheContext) -> float:
This should _NOT_ be called to evaluate nodes using your model, as the
TycheContext objects should be given the control over the method of
evaluation. Therefore, TycheContext#eval should usually be used instead.
Evaluates the probability of this node evaluating to true when sampled
using the values of concepts and roles from the given context and related
raise NotImplementedError("direct_eval is unimplemented for " + type(self).__name__)
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, node: 'ADLNode') -> bool:
Returns true if this node is provably equivalent to the given node.
Delegates to normal_form function. Two nodes have the same normal form
if and only if they have the same evaluation function
return self.normal_form() == node.normal_form()
[docs] def is_weaker(self, node: 'ADLNode') -> bool:
Returns true if the probability of this node is provably necessarily
less than or equal to the probability of the given node.
# need to consider how to effectively implement this
# I think move everything to normal form and then some traversal?
# However, it is more than just inclusion.
# eg x/\~x is always weaker than y\/~y
# need to factor out inclusion, then find separating constants
raise TycheLanguageException("is_weaker is unimplemented for " + type(self).__name__)
[docs] def is_stronger(self, node: 'ADLNode') -> bool:
Returns true if the probability of this node is provably necessarily
greater than or equal to the probability of the given node.
return node.is_weaker(self)
[docs] def when(self, condition: CompatibleWithADLNode) -> 'ConditionalWithoutElse':
Returns a formula that represents (condition ? self : Always).
This is equivalent to the formula self -> condition.
You can use a.when(b).otherwise(c) to represent (b ? a : c).
return ConditionalWithoutElse(condition, self)
[docs] def complement(self) -> 'ADLNode':
Produces a new node that represents the complement (negation) of this node.
i.e., this performs a logical NOT operation to this node.
return NEVER.when(self).otherwise(ALWAYS)
def __invert__(self):
Produces a new node that represents the complement (negation) of this node.
i.e., this performs a logical NOT operation to this node.
return self.complement()
def __and__(self, node: CompatibleWithADLNode) -> 'ADLNode':
Produces a new node that represents the conjunction of this node and the given node.
i.e., this performs a logical AND operation on this node and the given node.
return ADLNode.cast(node).when(self).otherwise(NEVER)
def __or__(self, node: CompatibleWithADLNode) -> 'ADLNode':
Produces a new node that represents the disjunction of this node and the given node.
i.e., this performs a logical OR operation on this node and the given node.
return ALWAYS.when(self).otherwise(node)
Ideas for other inline operators to define:
[docs]class Atom(ADLNode):
Represents indivisible nodes such as concepts and constants such as always or never.
def __init__(self, symbol: str, *, special_symbol: bool = False):
if not special_symbol:
Concept.check_symbol(symbol, symbol_type_name=type(self).__name__)
self.symbol = symbol
[docs] def get_child_nodes_in_eval_context(self) -> list[ADLNode]:
return []
[docs] def copy_with_new_child_node_from_eval_context(self, index: int, node: ADLNode):
raise IndexError(f"{type(self).__name__}s have no child nodes")
[docs] @staticmethod
def check_symbol(symbol: str, *, symbol_name="symbol", symbol_type_name: str = "Atom", context: str = None):
Checks a string contains only alphanumeric characters or underscore.
Raises an error if the symbol is an invalid atom symbol.
context_suffix = "" if context is None else ". Errored in {}".format(context)
if symbol is None:
raise ValueError("{} symbols cannot be None{}".format(symbol_type_name, context_suffix))
if len(symbol) == 0:
raise ValueError("{} symbols cannot be empty strings{}".format(symbol_type_name, context_suffix))
context_suffix = ". Errored for {} '{}'{}".format(
symbol_name, symbol, "" if context is None else " in {}".format(context)
if not symbol[0].islower():
raise ValueError("{} symbols must start with a lowercase letter{}".format(
symbol_type_name, context_suffix
for ch in symbol[1:]:
if ch != '_' and not ch.isalnum:
raise ValueError("{} symbols can only contain alpha-numeric or underscore characters{}".format(
symbol_type_name, context_suffix
def __str__(self):
return self.symbol
def __repr__(self):
return "{}(symbol={})".format(type(self).__name__, self.symbol)
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return type(self) == type(other) and self.symbol == cast('Atom', other).symbol
def __lt__(self, other) -> bool:
raise TycheLanguageException("not yet implemented")
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, node: ADLNode) -> bool:
return self == node
[docs] def is_weaker(self, node):
raise NotImplementedError("is_weaker is unimplemented for " + type(self).__name__)
[docs]class Concept(Atom):
Represents indivisible nodes such as concepts and constants such as always or never.
def __init__(self, symbol: str):
super().__init__(symbol, special_symbol=False)
[docs] def direct_eval(self, context: TycheContext) -> float:
return context.get_concept(self.symbol)
[docs] def eval_reference(self, context: TycheContext) -> BakedSymbolReference[float]:
""" Evaluates to a mutable reference to the value of this concept. """
return context.get_concept_reference(self.symbol)
[docs]class Constant(Atom):
A constant named aleatoric probability.
def __init__(self, symbol: str, probability: float):
super().__init__(symbol, special_symbol=True)
self.probability = probability
[docs] def direct_eval(self, context: TycheContext) -> float:
return self.probability
ALWAYS: Final[Constant] = Constant("\u22A4", 1)
NEVER: Final[Constant] = Constant("\u22A5", 0)
[docs]class Role:
Represents the relationships between contexts.
def __init__(self, symbol: str, *, special_symbol: bool = False):
if not special_symbol:
Concept.check_symbol(symbol, symbol_type_name=type(self).__name__)
self.symbol = symbol
def cast(role: CompatibleWithRole) -> 'Role':
if isinstance(role, Role):
return role
elif isinstance(role, str):
return Role(role)
raise TycheLanguageException("Incompatible role type {}".format(type(role).__name__))
def __str__(self):
return self.symbol
def __repr__(self):
return "{}(symbol={})".format(type(self).__name__, self.symbol)
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return type(self) == type(other) and self.symbol == cast('Role', other).symbol
def direct_eval(self, context: TycheContext) -> RoleDist:
return context.get_role(self.symbol)
[docs] def eval_reference(self, context: TycheContext) -> BakedSymbolReference[RoleDist]:
""" Evaluates to a mutable reference to the value of this role. """
return context.get_role_reference(self.symbol)
[docs]class ConstantRole(Role):
Represents a relationship that is constant.
def __init__(self, symbol: str, value: RoleDist):
super().__init__(symbol, special_symbol=True)
self.value: RoleDist = value
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return type(self) == type(other) \
and self.symbol == cast('ConstantRole', other).symbol \
and self.value == cast('ConstantRole', other).value
def direct_eval(self, context: TycheContext) -> RoleDist:
return self.value
[docs] def eval_reference(self, context: TycheContext) -> BakedSymbolReference[RoleDist]:
""" Evaluates to a mutable reference to the value of this role. """
raise TycheLanguageException(f"Instances of {type(self).__name__} are immutable")
[docs]class ReferenceBackedRole(Role):
Represents a relationship that's value is taken from a reference.
def __init__(self, value_ref: SymbolReference[RoleDist]):
super().__init__(value_ref.symbol, special_symbol=True)
self.value_ref = value_ref
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return type(self) == type(other) and self.value_ref == cast('ReferenceBackedRole', other).value_ref
def direct_eval(self, context: TycheContext) -> RoleDist:
return self.value_ref.get(context)
[docs] def eval_reference(self, context: TycheContext) -> BakedSymbolReference[RoleDist]:
""" Evaluates to a mutable reference to the value of this role. """
return self.value_ref.bake(context)
[docs]class Conditional(ADLNode):
Represents an aleatoric ternary construct (if-then-else).
def __init__(self, condition: CompatibleWithADLNode, if_yes: CompatibleWithADLNode, if_no: CompatibleWithADLNode):
self.condition = ADLNode.cast(condition)
self.if_yes = ADLNode.cast(if_yes)
self.if_no = ADLNode.cast(if_no)
[docs] def get_child_nodes_in_eval_context(self) -> list[ADLNode]:
return [self.condition, self.if_yes, self.if_no]
[docs] def copy_with_new_child_node_from_eval_context(self, index: int, node: ADLNode):
args = self.get_child_nodes_in_eval_context()
args[index] = node
return Conditional(*args)
[docs] def is_known_noop(self):
""" Returns whether this conditional does nothing. i.e., (A ? ALWAYS : NEVER). """
return self.if_yes == ALWAYS and self.if_no == NEVER
[docs] def is_known_complement(self):
""" Returns whether this conditional is a complement operation. i.e., NOT A. """
return self.if_yes == NEVER and self.if_no == ALWAYS
[docs] def is_known_conjunction(self):
""" Returns whether this conditional is a conjunction. i.e., A AND B. """
return self.if_yes != ALWAYS and self.if_no == NEVER
[docs] def is_known_disjunction(self):
""" Returns whether this conditional is a disjunction. i.e., A OR B. """
return self.if_yes == ALWAYS and self.if_no != NEVER
[docs] def to_str(self, *, allow_no_brackets: bool = False):
Converts this node to a string, and potentially
omits the enclosing brackets if specifically allowed.
# Shorthand representations.
if self.is_known_noop():
return str(self.condition)
if self.is_known_complement():
return "\u00AC{}".format(str(self.condition))
is_conjunction = self.is_known_conjunction()
is_disjunction = self.is_known_disjunction()
def sub_str(node: ADLNode, no_brackets: Optional[bool] = None):
""" Converts the given node to a string, with some formatting parameters. """
if isinstance(node, Conditional):
sub = cast(Conditional, node)
if no_brackets is None:
no_brackets = (is_conjunction and sub.is_known_conjunction()) or \
(is_disjunction and sub.is_known_disjunction())
return cast(Conditional, node).to_str(allow_no_brackets=no_brackets)
return str(node)
brackets_format = "{}" if allow_no_brackets else "({})"
if is_conjunction:
return brackets_format.format("{} \u2227 {}").format(sub_str(self.condition), sub_str(self.if_yes))
if is_disjunction:
return brackets_format.format("{} \u2228 {}").format(sub_str(self.condition), sub_str(self.if_no))
# Standard ternary.
return "({} ? {} : {})".format(
sub_str(self.condition, no_brackets=True),
sub_str(self.if_yes, no_brackets=True),
sub_str(self.if_no, no_brackets=True)
def __str__(self):
return self.to_str()
def __repr__(self):
return "Conditional(condition={}, if_yes={}, if_no={})".format(
repr(self.condition), repr(self.if_yes), repr(self.if_no)
def __eq__(self, obj):
if type(obj) != type(self):
return False
other: 'Conditional' = cast('Conditional', obj)
return (self.condition == other.condition
and self.if_yes == other.if_yes
and self.if_no == other.if_no)
def __lt__(self, obj):
raise TycheLanguageException("not yet implemented")
[docs] def direct_eval(self, context: TycheContext):
cond = context.eval(self.condition)
if_yes = context.eval(self.if_yes)
if_no = context.eval(self.if_no)
return cond * if_yes + (1 - cond) * if_no
[docs] def is_weaker(self, node):
raise TycheLanguageException("not yet implemented")
[docs]class ConditionalWithoutElse(Conditional):
Represents an aleatoric ternary construct of the form (condition ? if_yes : Always).
def __init__(self, condition: CompatibleWithADLNode, if_yes: CompatibleWithADLNode):
super().__init__(condition, if_yes, ALWAYS)
def otherwise(self, if_no: ADLNode) -> Conditional:
return Conditional(self.condition, self.if_yes, if_no)
[docs]class Given(ADLNode):
Represents a node that should only be evaluated after the given evaluates to true.
Due to this, the evaluation of the Given must be handled by the context.
Therefore, these should be avoided generally, and only used when they are required.
def __init__(self, node: CompatibleWithADLNode, given: CompatibleWithADLNode):
self.node = ADLNode.cast(node)
self.given = ADLNode.cast(given)
[docs] @staticmethod
def maybe_unpack(
node: CompatibleWithADLNode,
given: Optional[CompatibleWithADLNode] = None
) -> tuple[ADLNode, ADLNode]:
If the node is a Given, then this unpacks the Given into its constituent node and the given node.
If a given is explicitly provided whilst the node is also a Given, the returned given will be
the conjunction of both. If the node is not a Given, then the provided node and given will be
returned. If the given is not provided, then ALWAYS will be returned for the given.
Returns a tuple of (node, given).
given: Optional[ADLNode] = ADLNode.cast(given) if given is not None else None
while isinstance(node, Given):
node_as_given = cast(Given, node)
node = node_as_given.node
given = node_as_given.given if given is None else given & node_as_given.given
if given is None:
given = ALWAYS
return node, given
[docs] def get_child_nodes_in_eval_context(self) -> list[ADLNode]:
return []
[docs] def copy_with_new_child_node_from_eval_context(self, index: int, node: ADLNode):
raise IndexError("Given operators must be specially handled by the context")
def __str__(self):
return f"({self.node} | {self.given})"
def __repr__(self):
return f"Given(node={repr(self.node)}, given={repr(self.given)})"
def __eq__(self, obj):
if type(obj) != type(self):
return False
other: 'Given' = cast('Given', obj)
return self.node == other.node and self.given == other.given
def __lt__(self, obj):
raise TycheLanguageException("not yet implemented")
[docs] def direct_eval(self, context: TycheContext):
raise IndexError("The Given operator must be evaluated specially by the context")
[docs] def is_weaker(self, node):
raise TycheLanguageException("not yet implemented")
[docs]class Expectation(ADLNode):
Represents the aleatoric expectation construct,
'The expectation that node is true for an individual selected randomly
from the given role, given that the individual evaluates given to true'.
If given is not given, then it defaults to always.
def __init__(
role: CompatibleWithRole,
eval_node: CompatibleWithADLNode,
given_node: Optional[CompatibleWithADLNode] = None):
eval_node, given_node = Given.maybe_unpack(eval_node, given_node)
self.role: Role = Role.cast(role)
self.eval_node: ADLNode = ADLNode.cast(eval_node)
self.given_node = ADLNode.cast(given_node) if given_node is not None else ALWAYS
[docs] def get_content_node(self) -> ADLNode:
Returns a node that contains the contents of this expectation including both
the evaluation node, and the given node if one was provided on construction.
if self.given_node == ALWAYS:
return self.eval_node
return Given(self.eval_node, self.given_node)
[docs] def get_child_nodes_in_eval_context(self) -> list[ADLNode]:
return []
[docs] def copy_with_new_child_node_from_eval_context(self, index: int, node: ADLNode):
raise IndexError("Expectation operators have no child nodes in the eval context")
def __str__(self):
if self.given_node == ALWAYS:
return f"[{str(self.role)}]({str(self.eval_node)})"
return f"[{str(self.role)}.]({str(self.eval_node)} | {str(self.given_node)})"
def __repr__(self):
return f"Expectation(role={repr(self.role)}, node={repr(self.eval_node)}, given={repr(self.given_node)})"
def __eq__(self, obj):
if type(obj) != type(self):
return False
other: 'Expectation' = cast('Expectation', obj)
return self.role == other.role and self.eval_node == other.eval_node and self.given_node == other.given_node
[docs] @staticmethod
def evaluate_role_under_role(outer_role: ExclusiveRoleDist, inner_role: Role) -> ExclusiveRoleDist:
Evaluates the expected role over a given set of roles. The chance
of the contexts in the returned role represents the chance that
the context is selected from an inner_role selected from outer_role.
result = ExclusiveRoleDist()
for outer_context, outer_prob in outer_role:
if outer_context is None:
result.add_combining_weights(None, outer_prob)
inner_role_value = outer_context.get_role(inner_role.symbol)
if not isinstance(inner_role_value, ExclusiveRoleDist):
raise TycheLanguageException(
f"Evaluating a role of type {type(inner_role_value).__name__} "
f"under an ExclusiveRoleDist is not yet supported")
for inner_context, inner_prob in inner_role_value:
result.add_combining_weights(inner_context, outer_prob * inner_prob)
return result
[docs] def direct_eval(self, context: TycheContext):
Evaluates the node for all members of the role mapping
from the given context to other contexts. This evaluation
contains an implicit given that the role is non-None.
If the role only contains None, then this will evaluate
to vacuously True.
role_value = context.eval_role(self.role)
return role_value.calculate_expectation(self.eval_node, self.given_node)
[docs]class Exists(ADLNode):
Represents the expectation about whether a value for a role exists.
i.e. The probability that the value of a role is non-None.
def __init__(self, role: CompatibleWithRole):
self.role: Role = Role.cast(role)
[docs] def get_child_nodes_in_eval_context(self) -> list[ADLNode]:
return []
[docs] def copy_with_new_child_node_from_eval_context(self, index: int, node: ADLNode):
raise IndexError("Exists nodes have no child nodes")
def __str__(self):
return "Exists[{}]".format(str(self.role))
def __repr__(self):
return "Exists(role={})".format(repr(self.role))
def __eq__(self, obj):
if type(obj) != type(self):
return False
other: 'Exists' = cast('Exists', obj)
return self.role == other.role
[docs] def direct_eval(self, context: TycheContext):
Evaluates the likelihood that the given role has a non-None value.
role_value = context.eval_role(self.role)
return role_value.calculate_exists()
[docs]class LeastFixedPoint(ADLNode):
Disclaimer: This class is not yet functional. It is a work in progress.
class for representing the aleatoric fixed point construct in the language.
This is equivalent to the marginal expectation operator, (a|b).
See: https://peteroupc.github.io/bernoulli.html
def __init__(self, role: CompatibleWithRole, node: CompatibleWithADLNode):
role = Role.cast(role)
node = ADLNode.cast(node)
if LeastFixedPoint.is_linear(role, node):
self.variable = role
self.node = node
raise TycheLanguageException("The variable {} is not linear in {}".format(role, node))
[docs] def get_child_nodes_in_eval_context(self) -> list[ADLNode]:
return [self.node]
[docs] def copy_with_new_child_node_from_eval_context(self, index: int, node: ADLNode):
args = self.get_child_nodes_in_eval_context()
args[index] = node
return Conditional(self.variable, *args)
def __str__(self):
Use X as the fixed point quantifier,
if least and greatest not relevant?
or is assignment appropriate x<=(father.(bald?YES:x)) (GFP is x>=(father.(bald?x:NO)) "all bald on the male line")
eg LFP-x(father.(bald?YES:x)) the probability of having a bald ancestor on the male line.
return f"{self.variable}<=({self.node})"
def __repr__(self):
return 'LeastFixedPoint(variable=' + repr(self.variable) + ', node=' + repr(self.node) + ')'
def __eq__(self, obj):
if type(obj) != type(self):
return False
other: 'LeastFixedPoint' = cast('LeastFixedPoint', obj)
return self.variable == other.variable and self.node == other.node
def __lt__(self, other):
raise TycheLanguageException("not yet implemented")
[docs] def direct_eval(self, context: TycheContext):
Complex one, needs iteration or equation solving.
raise TycheLanguageException("not yet implemented")
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, node):
raise TycheLanguageException("not yet implemented")
[docs] def is_weaker(self, node):
raise TycheLanguageException("not yet implemented")
[docs] @staticmethod
def is_linear(variable, node):
class method to test whether variable is linear in node
raise TycheLanguageException("not yet implemented")